Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wedding Dancing

Ganga's wedding

Ganga (more about her and the awesome food she cooks still coming) invited Laura, Dan and I to her brother in law's wedding.
Unfortunately Laura was in London and Dan had to work, so I nervously ventured over on my lonesome.
I went to Ganga's home before the ceremony to watch the family's preparations. I arrived at 7 and watched everyone get ready. The groom dressed without letting his feet touch the floor, his sisters adorned him with money wreaths, there was a walking band and there was dancing and dancing and dancing.
We were meant to arrive at the Bride's house at 8:30 for the ceremony, but 11:30 rolls around and we are still in the street, groom waiting patiently in his horse drawn carriage, lights lining the road and still half a kilometer to go.
I was advised that the bride and groom would only meet (and this meeting would be the meeting for the first time) in 3 hours, which was just too long for me after 4 and a half hours of celebrating. I'd had my fun and my dancing shoes needed to return to the cupboard.

What I took from my small participation in this wedding was the realisation that I have never truly celebrated. The colours, the dancing, the laughing and the effort put towards making a mad procession out of the whole thing was mind blowing. The family was dancing for hours and went on dancing long after I dragged myself home. And then 2 more days after that. The stamina...

Here are some photos.

Michael Jackson moment

This was the view from the back of my apartment a few days ago.
He does not drop the child, to put your minds at rest, but WTF? Who does stuff like this? And with a broken arm. This went on for about 10 minutes. Madness I tell you.

The Zoot Scoot

This has really been a month of firsts for me.
The first time I have negelected my blog, the first time I went to an Indian wedding (post to follow) the first time Dan bought a scooter, the first time I rode on the back of a scooter and the first time Dan and I rode a scooter together... AND all of this took place on the streets of Delhi.

Dan decided it was time to get a little bit of independence from the auto drivers and bought himself a scooter, which I dubbed the Zoot Scoot.
Now, a scooter in Cape Town is cool, but a 6 foot 2 working man in Delhi is usually seen in the back of a black 4x4 reading the paper. Not dodging lunatic drivers on a scooter. Then you add a blonde girl on the back and you have a freak show.

But, it is easy and a bucket load of fun. The only thing that I really have to worry about is losing my knee caps to the on coming traffic.